Monitor mounting solutions for ultrawide curved monitors and large format displays
Curved ultrawide monitors present unique mounting challenges which Atdec has solved
Curved monitors
Curved monitors exert additional load on the monitor arm which is why they require an extra strong mounting option.
Atdec publishes special capacities for curved monitors with our Workspace monitor arms and mounts.

Dual curved ultrawide monitors in a stacked configuration

Samsung 49" ultrawide curved QLED gaming monitor
Ultrawide monitors
Ultrawide monitors are designed to replace multiple screens with a single seamless display. They are often used in a stacked dual configuration for maximum monitor real estate.
Large format displays &
all-in-one PCs
Mounting large format displays, or LFDs, presents a number of challenges especially in multi-screen configurations. All-in-one PCs are typically heavier and just like curved monitors require an extra strong arm to support them.

Large format display on dynamic monitor arm
Popular for curved ultrawide monitors
Desk mounts for curved, heavy, and large displays
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